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Privacy Policy

The Fanzoona Platform is managed by Group Five Photosports, LLC., of 40 W. Littleton Bl. #210, Littleton, CO, 80120 USA.

Persons joining Fanzoona can rest assured that their personal, payment and subscription information is kept strictly confidential. We do not sale, rent or lease our Creator, Fan, Subscriber or User information or email lists to any third-party.

The entire Platform is secured using the latest Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption system for all connections from you to us, the content feeds to you, and from us to the payment processing networks.

Passwords used with this Platform are Hashed using Bcrypt technology and are unreadable to our staff.

Credit or Debit cards submitted are secured with TLS data encryption technology. Your card information is not stored within this Platform or our servers. All payment information is maintained in a strictly confidential manner by the secure card processing department at our merchant bank.

The staff of this Platform does not have access to your credit card information unless you request a refund, cause a chargeback or falsely report a transaction as fraud.

There may be times that this Platform, or another Platform we manage, will send a short email message to current or past users. These rare emails are sent when we have news about updates to this Platform or a new Platform we own, manage or maintain. We never do email messaging for third-party promotional reasons.

We also use email to send receipts, to send password reset links, and to send notifications when one or more Creators is starting a live streaming event. In those, and all other cases, emails are only sent in direct relationship to this Platform.

By subscribing to Fanzoona your email address is automatically added to our mailing list. If for any reason you do not wish to receive those emails please notify us by using the Contact Us page or remove yourself from the Platform.

We retain all account, log-in, IP address and payment data related to the Fanzoona Platform for a period of ten years after your account is last active or deleted. This retention is done securely off the Platform to assist us in investigating payment fraud and copyright infringement now or in the future.

Concerning law enforcement and government agencies: To protect the security or integrity of our Platform, as well as to protect the rights, property, and safety of Group Five Photosports, LLC., its employees, users, customers, creators, or others we comply with all valid subpoenas or warrants.